Navigating the Jolt: Transition Struggles for Women with ADHD

Ever find yourself stuck when it’s time to shift from one task to another? You’re not alone. 

For women with ADHD, transitions can be especially challenging—whether it’s moving from work to home, or just getting out the door in the morning. 

In my latest blog post, I dive into why transitions are so tough for us and share practical tips to make them a little smoother.

From giving yourself a buffer zone to using cues and routines, these strategies can help you navigate those tricky moments with more ease. 

And remember, be kind to yourself—every small win counts!


Navigating Back-to-School Time with ADHD: Tips for Moms and Kids

Back-to-school season can be particularly challenging for women with ADHD, especially if their kids also have ADHD. This blog post offers practical tips for creating flexible routines, organizing spaces, and planning ahead to reduce stress. It emphasizes the importance of self-care, open communication with your children, and celebrating small successes along the way. By finding what works best for your family and seeking support when needed, you can turn this hectic time into an empowering experience for everyone.

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