Hey there my wonderful ADHD family!

I want to talk about a topic that's often a bit misunderstood in the ADHD community: emotional dysregulation. If you've ever felt like your emotions are on a roller coaster—intense, swift, and sometimes unpredictable—you’re not alone. Women with ADHD commonly experience this, and it can feel overwhelming. But it doesn't have to define us.

Recognize the Pattern
Our brains process emotions differently, and this can lead to strong reactions that may catch us off guard. Being able to recognize these patterns is the first step toward self-awareness. Are there certain situations or conversations that trigger an intense emotional response? Jot these down in a journal or on your phone to track your emotional highs and lows. 

Create a Safe Space
When emotions run high, it helps to have a personal retreat—a cozy corner, a playlist, or even a breathing exercise that helps you reset. Creating this calming environment can help you process emotions at your own pace and reduce emotional spillover in relationships or work. 

Share with Someone You Trust
Opening up to someone who understands can be a relief. Whether it’s your partner, friend, or therapist, talking about your experiences with emotional dysregulation can help you feel less isolated. It's okay to admit you’re struggling and ask for their support in finding ways to respond better. It also helps when they know because sometimes this trusted person can recognize the dysregulation is happening before you do and can help redirect you before it's too late. Just be sure to also share with this trusted person, "Whatever you do, don't tell me to calm down." 😂

Practice Self-Compassion
It’s crucial to remind yourself that feeling intensely isn’t a flaw—it's a facet of ADHD that you can manage with kindness. When those tough emotions surface, take a deep breath and let yourself feel them without judgment. You're allowed to be emotional, and you deserve compassion, especially from yourself. Also important to remember, if you don't allow yourself to feel the tough emotions, you also can't feel the great emotions like love and joy.

Learn Coping Strategies
Explore ways to redirect or soothe strong emotions. Maybe it’s mindfulness meditation, physical movement, or creative expression like writing or painting. Find what works best for you and lean into it when you feel things are about to boil over.

Emotions are part of our experience, and by embracing them with love and understanding, we can grow and navigate life authentically.

~ Jorie


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